
The Middle Age: Volumes 1-3 - Hardcover Collections

Created by Steve Conley

The story of a knight in love with a dragon and the cursed sword which hates him. Nominated for 9 Eisner, Ringo, and NCS awards!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Campaign update and PDF rewards on their way!
27 days ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 02:25:43 PM

A quick update...

I'm still waiting on the full shipment of books. I had a rush shipment sent my way (as I mentioned in the previous update) and a box of books rushed to the Baltimore Comic-Con where I was able to place them in the hands of a few backers!

I have everything I need to ship out the books when they arrive. I'll keep you all posted. 

In mere moments, I will be sending out instructions for downloading your PDF copies of The Middle Age Volume Three (and previous volumes if you signed up for those). Check your Kickstarter messages shortly for details.

I can't wait for you to get your books and other loot!

Thanks again for your amazing support!

-- Steve

The first copies arrived and they look great!
about 2 months ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 01:33:14 PM

I received a few rushed copies of The Middle Age Volume 3 and I'm so happy with how they turned out!

I'm now just waiting on the full shipment of books!

Starting today, Backerkit will be sending out a "Lock Address" messages to confirm your address for shipping you loot.

And keep an eye out for an email this week for downloading your PDF(s)!

Everyone will get message for downloading Volume 3 and if you ordered any of the previous volumes, you'll get a separate email about that. :)

Thank you again for your support! I really hope you're going to love the books!

-- Steve

Backer surveys going out!
2 months ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 10:35:52 AM

Keep an eye on your in-box! Today, Backerkit will be sending out surveys so you can confirm your rewards, your shipping address, add items to your pledge, and if you ordered a shirt, you can specify the size.

Once surveys are completed, I'll know the totals of each Item we need to produce!

And if you know anyone who missed the campaign and would still like to pre-order The Middle Age, the Backerkit pre-order page is live...

Thanks again for your amazing support and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!

-- Steve

Production update!
3 months ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 03:39:31 PM

Hi! I wanted to give you an update on the campaign's progress!

The production work is nearly complete and I'm busy preparing the Backerkit surveys. Those surveys they should go out by the end of this week or early next week!

Responses to the surveys will help me lock down the production totals for physical items. 

In the next week or so, the digital PDFs will start going out as we wait for the physical books to come back from the printer!

So far, so good! :)

Thank you again for your amazing support!

-- Steve


Woohoo! Thank you all so much!
4 months ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 08:49:23 AM

I can't thank you all enough for supporting this campaign and helping make this book happen!

Where do we go from here...

If you're familiar with Kickstarter campaigns, you know all this but to recap... over the next two weeks Kickstarter will collect pledges from backers. After that time, they'll transfer funds my way (minus about 10% in Kickstarter and credit card fees). With Kickstarter's pledge data collected, I'll begin the process of importing that info into Backerkit. Once Backerkit is set up, I'll send out backer surveys so I can get final product counts and know where I'm sending everyone's loot! :)

The first items which will go out will be digital rewards such as PDFs and STLs and physical items will ship out in batches afterwards.

Thank you again for your amazing support! I really hope you're going to love the books!

-- Steve